The drilling of bakelite plate (click to view details) |
Electric board: Characteristics: grinding and drilling wood is composed of bleaching wood pulp paper, phenolic resin hot pressing, main application in PCB drilling machine,、molding machine bottom plate、the test plate and other electrical appliances insulation parts and processing comb.,Good flatness, thickness uniformity, good hardness, appearance light. We can according to customer requirements (drawings or samples) production and processing into any specifications, please telephone consultation!Electric board weight = length (L) * width (W) * thickness (H) * specific gravity (1.4)
电木板: 执行标准:Q/TXXFR001-2010 耐温等级:E级 特性:常温下电气性能佳,机械加工性能好,具备优良的电气、机械及加工性质,外表防静电,绝缘,耐热,耐腐蚀 。 用途:适用于机械性能要求较高的电机、电器设备中和绝缘结构零部件,PCB钻孔、ICT,ITE治具中绝缘部件的加工,测试治具,硅橡胶按键模具,治具板、模具夹板、台面研磨垫板、包装机、梳子等。 颜色:桔红色/黑色 厚度:0.5-35mm 标准尺寸:1020*1220mm 、1020*2040mm 最大加工尺寸:1300*1800mm
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An article:FR4 (click to view the details)
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